Corporate Training & Onboarding

Need to create training videos for your organization that can be instantly updated at any time? Or maybe you want to tailor your company onboarding videos for each new hire? Well you now can, with Deep Word. Create your first two minutes of video for free.

How It’s Done

Select Your Video Actor

First, select the video actor you want talking. You may either select one of our video actors or upload your own. If you use your own, make sure you follow the guidelines on our How It Works page.

Type What They Will Say

Next, select text-to-speech and type what you want your video actor to say. This can either be copy-pasted from your company’s policies, or tailored for your specific use. Alternatively, you can upload the audio you want your video actor to say. Click generate, and your video will be ready in minutes.

[Optional] Edit Your Video

Congrats, your Deep Word video is complete! You can download your video for immediate use or add additional visuals and music via your preferred editing software. Our digital team offers start-to-finish video creation services. Please contact us if you’d like to explore this option

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